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6 Practical Steps To Intuitive Healing for Success

Writer's picture: Margaret CutlerMargaret Cutler

6 practical steps to Intuitive Healing

Stop hustling – focus! Use Intuitive Healing for Your Health & Wellbeing Success

In achieving success through intuitive healing, I leverage my profound empathy — the skill to connect with your subconscious mind, identifying and addressing the negative thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that influence your life, guiding you in their release.

Are you working very hard and finding you are getting nowhere? doing the 'one step forward and one step back' shuffle?

That’s because your conscious mind wants something but your subconscious mind does not and therefore is blocking you. Unfortunately, because your subconscious mind always wins it will make sure that you do not get what you want, you get something that is not quite what you want, or you get it and then lose it very quickly: the subconscious mind always wins. .

However, all is not lost.

6 practical steps to start using intuitive healing for greater health & wellbeing

First, listen to any feelings that you have: whether you feel hesitant about doing something, feel "in two minds' about something ( this is your conscious mind vs your subconscious mind) or whether something just 'feels right'. What is your gut telling you?

If something feels right - go ahead and do it as long as it won't harm you or others.

If there is any doubt about doing something, a feeling of doubt about the person you have just met - go with your instinct and ask your mind what it is you are feeling( e.g. fear, anxiety, mistrust), and why you are feeling it. It may just be that the person reminds you of someone in your childhood that you did not trust and it may be warning you to be careful; - it may be your subconscious mind has picked up something energetically about that person and is protecting you .

There are several very simple steps for you to take to ensure your success.

1.The first thing is to focus on what you want to achieve.

I first learnt about the important of focus and not concentration when I was fire walking – you build up a fire, let it burn down until there are little flames or just VERY hot coals; then you focus on something past the end of the fire, take off your shoes and walk through the coals stepping out of the fire pit without a single burn to your feet.

If you walked through the fire without first focussing on the point past the fire then you would get burnt. If you concentrate on your steps trying to avoid hot coals or trying to tread lightly you will burn. You just need to focus on something past the end of the fire and you will be safe.

2.Check out the feelings you have around that thing you want

Are there any worries or concerns that are around it? Let’s say for instance that you want to write a book but as you focus on writing , niggly feelings of “what if it doesn’t sell” come up. These are from your subconscious mind and they are exactly what you will achieve because your subconscious mind always wins. Send those feelings out to the sun to be destroyed and then check back in with your mind to see if there are still doubts there. Continue to remove them until you feel comfortable in writing and publishing that book.

3.Think back to the first time and any other times ...

that you were told or experienced the fact that no one bought what you or someone close to you wanted to sell. Once you have found it, and it will generally be from when you were a little child, you need to release it by sending that thought or emotion out to the sun to be destroyed.

4.Check back into the thing you want

Is it now clear or is there another thought or emotion that is near it. If there is another negative feeling or thought then let that one go too.

5.Keep checking in

And clearing out these thoughts and emotions that are negatively impacting what you want to achieve until it is a clear focus on what you want.

6.Now take action without stress

If your mind is focussed on what you want to achieve and there are no negative thoughts, feelings or emotions around it then you will achieve it.

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